
Beechwood School recognizes the primary responsibility of the family to raise and educate a child. Without supportive parents and family, any school is limited in its ability to have a lasting impact on its students. Beechwood only accepts students whose families are committed to supporting their education. Beechwood, in turn, is committed to supporting the efforts of families to form a true educational partnership.

Each school year, parents commit to provide a minimum of 20 hours of service to the school, and to complete twelve hours of parent education classes. Beechwood provides a variety of classes for parents free of charge.


Many parents spend their service hours on campus, helping in the office, in the classroom, supervising on the playground, planting in the garden, or working on Saturday construction and maintenance projects.


Parents serve as chaperones on trips to interesting places in the area that enrich the students’ learning experience. Past destinations have included places like the tidepools on the coast, museums, theaters, and local businesses.


Overnight camping trips organized by Beechwood can be valuable experiences for the students and the parents who accompany them as chaperones. Students have traveled to the Santa Cruz Mountains, Angel Island, and Yosemite where they learn camping skills and have a chance to experience the wonders of nature up close.  Our 8th grade classes have traveled to Seattle, WA., San Diego, CA., Tahoe, CA., Arizona, Utah, and Washington D.C..


All Beechwood parents are members of the Parent Advisory Group. This parent-run group organizes Staff Appreciation Day, Fright Night, International Food Fair, middle school dances, and other school projects.

Email:  To be updated 7/2023


Beechwood students get themselves to school in a number of ways: walking, biking, riding scooters. Some students take advantage of the city bus service with a convenient stop located in the school parking lot. Many parents organize neighborhood carpools.


For students of working parents, after-school programs are provided by two nearby community organizations. Beechwood staff will deliver the students to ensure a smooth and safe transition. Beechwood continues to expand its own after-school alternatives with programs such as homework assistance, music, and drama.